FAQ Page

We only use the best quality products on our campers being canvas , using canvas ensures a better water / dust proofing as vinyl will break down and go brittle after a period of time from the heat and UV rays from the sun.

No , as we only use the best quality Australian canvas , you can have an internal light on and be confident that there will be no external shadows of you inside.

No we only use Australian canvas from wax converters , who are Australia’s biggest canvas supplier.

Yes, but don’t leave it closed and wet for any longer than two days otherwise the tent will get mould on it

Clean water , and a sponge , even use a chamois to draw the water out.

Our canvas is made at Wax Converters Textile Company in Maitland NSW and yes it is all Australian.

Safety regulations advise that you shouldn’t cook with gas without adequate ventilation. When the awning is enclosed with the annex wall kit, ensure adequate ventilation when cooking by opening windows or removing a panel of the wall kit.

Cooking underneath the awning is fine as the awning is quite high. The kitchen end wall is pegged out, drawing it away from the kitchen. We haven’t had any issue with the wall getting splashed whilst cooking, but the area behind the kitchen is made from heavy duty pvc, so it can be easily wiped down if need be.

There are several ways to re-charge the battery fitted to the camper trailer. The easiest method is to use a conventional mains power battery charger at home.

Alternately, with extra equipment mounted in the camper trailer and the tow vehicle, you can re-charge the camper trailer battery from the tow vehicle whilst you drive.

See your local Johnno’s dealer doe more details.

Johnno’s camper trailers use Duragal plated draw bars and Zincaneal panels. These treatments are permanent plating techniques this means the camper trailer is protected from rust by the very nature of the materials used.

Yes, our Sleepout and awning walls will fit any camper trailer tent made after 2012 and are always available through your local Johnno’s dealer.

Australia has more Ultra Violet light content in its sunlight than most other countries. UV light is potentially very destructive on canvas, affecting the water proofness of the material. Our canvass is made to the stringent Australian standard which is a lot tougher than the international standards. Australian canvas is tough and is waterproof yet ‘breaths’.

Australian canvas manufactured by Wax Converters (dynaproofed) meets this standard.

It should comply to the Australian standard for canvas AS 2001.2.18.1987 which is also the military standard.

If it leaks or has condensation or mildew problems a holiday can be ruined and the camper is not fit for the purpose.

The canvas tent.

Aussie made canvas will have a “Care” label on it that identifies the manufacturer of the canvas. If you can’t locate it on the canvas tent or the care label does not identify the canvas as Australian Made it almost certainly is not.

While camper trailers at face value look very similar they can be vastly different in quality. Australian made canvas will generally of the highest possible quality and have inbuilt mould retardant in the manufacturing process to suit Australian conditions. To save on costs many non-guild members use cheaper overseas manufactured canvas that looks fine – until it rains.

This recent CSIRO analysis of imported 14 ounce “ripstop” canvas shows the difference:
See the report here

The canvas leaks water when it rains, when you pack up and drive home mildew will form on it – making it necessary to replace the canvas in some instances:
Ripstop Fabric problems

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